Tuesday 2 September 2008

Download Larry Young mp3

Larry Young

Artist: Larry Young: mp3 download





Of Love and Peace

 Of Love and Peace

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 1
Mother Ship

 Mother Ship

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 1

If Jimmy Smith was "the Charlie Parker of the organ," Larry Young was its John Coltrane. One of the shattering innovators of the mid to late '60s, Young fashioned a classifiable modal approach to the Hammond B-3 at a time when Smith's earthy, blues-drenched soul-jazz stylus was the instrument's predominant voice. Initially, Young was very much a Smith champion himself. After playing with versatile R&B bands in the fifties and organism featured as a sideman with tenor saxman Jimmy Forrest in 1960, Young debuted as a leader that class with Testifying, which, like his subsequent soul-jazz efforts for Prestige, Danton True Young Blues (1960), and Groove Street, (1962), left no doubt that Smith was his elemental inspiration. But when Young went to Blue Note in 1964, he was well on his room to becoming a major groundbreaker. Coltrane's post-bop influence asserted itself more than and more in Young's playing and composing, and his counterfeit grew practically more than cerebral and explorative. I, recorded in 1965, corpse his best-known album. Quick to embracing fusion, Young played with Miles Davis in 1969, John McLaughlin in 1970, and Tony Williams' groundbreaking ceremony Lifetime in the early '70s. Unfortunately, his ferment off spotty and temperamental as the '70s progressed. Young was only 38 when, in 1978, he checked into the hospital hurt from stomach striving, and died from untreated pneumonia. The Hammond hero's ferment for Blue Note (as both a draftsmanship card and a sideman) was joined for Mosaic's limited edition six-CD box determine The Complete Blue Note Recordings.

50 Cent becomes richest hip-hopper

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Greater Specificity Of Cardiac Risk Tests With The Randox HDL And LDL Clearance Method

�With the revolutionary Randox HDL and LDL headroom method, part of the lipid profile, specificity of testing and accuracy of diagnosis is vastly improved. This has replaced traditional assessment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) hazard which oft provided inaccurate and insufficient information for the clinician, possibly ahead to misdiagnosis of the patient.

The lipid profile, a chemical group of tests performed to determine endangerment of CVD, comprises tot up cholesterol, triglycerides, high denseness lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterin and extra parameters such as apolipoproteins. LDL cholesterin transports cholesterin to the cells for utilisation and plays a central role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. It is generally regarded as the most important risk factor for CVD. HDL cholesterin, a damaging risk divisor, transports cholesterol from the cells to the liver for metabolism and reasoning by elimination from the body. Regular assessment of these parameters is necessary to establish risk and, if necessary, monitor treatment.

Traditional LDL cholesterol measurement based on the Friedewald equation deliberate from trey separate assays, requires a fasting patient sample and inaccurately estimates cholesterol in hypertriglyceridaemia resulting in misclassification of up to 50% of patient role samples. Direct masking methods are a recent development in HDL cholesterol analysis in which non-HDL molecules are cloaked initially and then HDL cholesterol is measured. However, these methods underestimate HDL levels in hypertriglyceridaemia. This is due to the fact that in abnormal samples, the composition of the lipoproteins is altered by these high levels of triglycerides and thence cannot be distinguished during the masking process. Furthermore, these methods show poor agreement with ultracentrifugation employed in amber standard address laboratories.

The Randox HDL and LDL clearance methods overcome these issues by completely removing the non-HDL/LDL molecules ahead directly measurement the HDL/LDL cholesterol in the sample. It is highly specific and so eliminates problems associated with hypertriglyceridaemia. The Randox HDL and LDL clearance methods show first-class correlation with ultracentrifugation highlighting its superior accuracy.

Randox HDL and LDL clearance method kits are liquid, ready to use, automatable assays with a full measuring range and good stability. Accurate HDL and LDL cholesterin measurement is vital to establish CVD risk, and to square off therapeutic personal effects. By using Randox aim clearance methods you tin be assured of a more exact diagnosis and confidence in your results.

About Randox

Randox is an international diagnostics company, headquartered in the UK. Randox develop, manufacture and grocery clinical diagnostic products worldwide. Core products are: Biochip Array Technology; clinical chemistry analysers and reagents; calibre controls and EQA; recombinant proteins and antibodies.

Randox Laboratories

Diamond Road


Co. Antrim BT29 4QY

United Kingdom

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Artist: Com.A

Easy Listening


Shot Of Love   
 Shot Of Love

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 16


Thursday 26 June 2008

'I Made Michael Jackson Watch Porn!'

Super-producer Mark Ronson has claimed that he showed Michael Jackson pornography when he was younger.

British-born Ronson, who spent much of his childhood in America, said that he met Jackson through John Lennon's son, Sean.

"It's a weird story, but I didn't touch him. We just went and stayed at his (Sean's) house and it seemed okay at the time," he said.

"I think it's still okay. Unless I'm going to be in therapy in four years' time."

Ronson, who made the claims with during his slot as the guest presenter on the Sunday Night Project, said that he and Lennon watched the Porn Channel because “we were like ten and, 'Oh my God, tits!'

"Me and Sean said 'Michael do you want to see something cool?' We turned the dial to the porn channel and there were strippers shaking their tits around. We were like, 'Michael, Michael how cool is this?'” he explained.

"We turned around and he was cringing saying, 'Ooh stop it, stop it, ooh it's so silly.' He was not down with the program whatsoever.

“I think he just had really strong feminist views on porn and the use of it."

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Nasty Habits

Nasty Habits   
Artist: Nasty Habits

Drum & Bass



   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 2


Sienna Miller - Miller Hinted At Ifans Split Weeks Ago

Monday 9 June 2008

De Palma's film censored over lawsuit fears

Director Brian De Palma had to censor a montage of Iraq war casualties in his new film 'Redacted' on the insistence of insurance companies, who feared relatives of the victims would sue the filmmakers.
In an interview with Empire Magazine De Palma said: "The insurance companies (didn't want their faces shown). They think that a relative of a dead baby will see the movie in the theatre and be so distressed that they'll bring a lawsuit against us."
'The Untouchables' director's anti-war film initially ended with a harrowing montage of real life fatalities, however the scene has been re-cut to disguise the victims' identities.
In September last year, De Palma received the Venice Film Festival's prestigious Best Director Silver Lion award for his film.
'Redacted' is due for release in Irish cinemas later this month.

Sunday 1 June 2008

Peter Urlich brings back dine and dance

Peter Urlich tells Belinda McCammon it's time for the New Zealand dine and dance to have a glamourous revival.

After appearing on Dancing With the Stars it seems musician Peter Urlich's career has come full circle with what he hopes is the renaissance of the traditional New Zealand dine and dance.

Urlich, a member of iconic Kiwi band Th'Dudes and a DJ on Auckland Radio station George FM, is taking to the stage again, this time with his five piece swing band in Auckland in July.

It is a concept which Urlich hopes will revive the great New Zealand tradition, the dine and dance - one which he believes people of all ages are crying out for.

"It's a chance for you and your partner to throw on your finest, dine in luxurious ambience and to glide around the dance floor in suitable style."

While Urlich had been performing at the occasional wedding or anniversary over the years, it was all very much "under the radar".

It was not until he fulfilled a drunken promise made while touring to his road manager to sing at his wedding that the idea took on "an energy of its own".

At the wedding Urlich sang one song to a backing tape, Fly Me to the Moon, and as he walked off stage was met by concert promotions manager Brent Eccles.

"He went 'Wow I didn't know you could do that stuff'.

"He was so excited and said 'Let's do an album' and I thought, it's the chardonnay talking.

Urlich said yes but wondered who was going to buy the album.

Eccles told him to worry about recording it, he would take care of selling it.

"The next Monday he called me and the process started from there."

The album, Between You & Me, features the type of music you would expect to hear at dine and dances in community halls around the country, including Don't Get Around Much Anymore, You Can't Take That Away From Me and Everybody's Talkin'.

"What's not to like," Urlich said in Auckland.

"It's a complete bonus for me, this came out of the blue and it seems to have an energy all of its own."

After a less than stellar turnout himself on Dancing With the Stars, Urlich will be happily watching others dance while he sticks with what he knows from the stage.

Urlich has his own theories as to why the concept of the dine and dance - the first will be held in Auckland in July and more are planned throughout the country - is so popular.

"We're talking about classic songs, so I guess it could be a reaction to music these days as seen as disposable.

"People miss that old world, those times when people had different values, the way they dressed and acted."

Urlich rejects the suggestion the music only appeals to a certain generation.

"The music has been done by young men, Harry Connick Jr, Michael Buble, Tim Beveridge.

"I sing these songs to my little boys. It's melodies and great lyrics from a time gone by.

"It's a nostalgia thing we're dealing with, classic songs we hope will hold their own forever."

Urlich says there are few opportunities for people to dress up, which he thinks will be another reason a cross-section of people will attend the Auckland dine and dance.

"The whole glamour thing is sitting there."

Society had become very casual, which left people craving for opportunities to dress up and make an occasion out of going out, he says.

"Someone said 'bring out the diamonds'."

Urlich is also enjoying the vibe of performing this style of music with his band.

"It's just all fun and as they say, being a band is like having your own gang.

"I only see them when they're doing gigs. I said to my wife, one of the reasons I do this is so I can hear
them play.

"It's something different and if the word spreads, we could see a little renaissance."

*Between You & Me is out now. Peter Urlich performs at the Rangitoto Ballroom in The Langham on July 3. Tickets available through ticketek.


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