Wednesday 13 August 2008

Greater Specificity Of Cardiac Risk Tests With The Randox HDL And LDL Clearance Method

�With the revolutionary Randox HDL and LDL headroom method, part of the lipid profile, specificity of testing and accuracy of diagnosis is vastly improved. This has replaced traditional assessment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) hazard which oft provided inaccurate and insufficient information for the clinician, possibly ahead to misdiagnosis of the patient.

The lipid profile, a chemical group of tests performed to determine endangerment of CVD, comprises tot up cholesterol, triglycerides, high denseness lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterin and extra parameters such as apolipoproteins. LDL cholesterin transports cholesterin to the cells for utilisation and plays a central role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. It is generally regarded as the most important risk factor for CVD. HDL cholesterin, a damaging risk divisor, transports cholesterol from the cells to the liver for metabolism and reasoning by elimination from the body. Regular assessment of these parameters is necessary to establish risk and, if necessary, monitor treatment.

Traditional LDL cholesterol measurement based on the Friedewald equation deliberate from trey separate assays, requires a fasting patient sample and inaccurately estimates cholesterol in hypertriglyceridaemia resulting in misclassification of up to 50% of patient role samples. Direct masking methods are a recent development in HDL cholesterol analysis in which non-HDL molecules are cloaked initially and then HDL cholesterol is measured. However, these methods underestimate HDL levels in hypertriglyceridaemia. This is due to the fact that in abnormal samples, the composition of the lipoproteins is altered by these high levels of triglycerides and thence cannot be distinguished during the masking process. Furthermore, these methods show poor agreement with ultracentrifugation employed in amber standard address laboratories.

The Randox HDL and LDL clearance methods overcome these issues by completely removing the non-HDL/LDL molecules ahead directly measurement the HDL/LDL cholesterol in the sample. It is highly specific and so eliminates problems associated with hypertriglyceridaemia. The Randox HDL and LDL clearance methods show first-class correlation with ultracentrifugation highlighting its superior accuracy.

Randox HDL and LDL clearance method kits are liquid, ready to use, automatable assays with a full measuring range and good stability. Accurate HDL and LDL cholesterin measurement is vital to establish CVD risk, and to square off therapeutic personal effects. By using Randox aim clearance methods you tin be assured of a more exact diagnosis and confidence in your results.

About Randox

Randox is an international diagnostics company, headquartered in the UK. Randox develop, manufacture and grocery clinical diagnostic products worldwide. Core products are: Biochip Array Technology; clinical chemistry analysers and reagents; calibre controls and EQA; recombinant proteins and antibodies.

Randox Laboratories

Diamond Road


Co. Antrim BT29 4QY

United Kingdom

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